Our experiences about London and our sights!


Our experiences

First, our stay in London was amazing and none of us will ever forget it.
We went to visit our sights (The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben) on the last day of our trip. We were astonished by how tall and broad The Palace of Westminster was. Its neo-gothic style was very impressing. Following its name, the tower of Big Ben was very big and like the Houses of Parliament it had many small details in its architecture. We especially liked the decorated clockface of Big Ben. Unfortunately we couldn't visit fhe inside of the Houses of Parliament, so we are not able to tell very much about it. But if we ever go back to London, it will be the first place to visit.

We miss the time in London and remember special events like our boat-trip on the Thames:
The Houses of Parliament and the Big Ben:
This picture was taken in the London-Eye.
The Houses of Parliament is the long building on the left of the brige.
In Windsor with our friends. We saw there also the Queen. =)
Lara,Paul,Jessica,Melina,Max, Pascal und Maja in the sunny city of London =)
Jessica H. und Paul H. (9c)