Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Do you know the huge house, where many people stand outside, who wear red clothes and who have black thick hats? And they wear their thick hats there in summer, too!
Yeah … it’s the Buckingham Palace!

Buckingham Palace has been the official London residence of Britain’s sovereigns since 1837. Today the Queen – the head of state -sometimes stays there. A special flag on the roof top which is called the Royal Standard is the sign for the Queen’s presence at Buckingham Palace. It is the headquarters of the Monarch and so it is one of the most famous sights in the world. Altogether Buckingham Palace consists of 775 rooms. There are 19 State Rooms, 52 Royal and guests bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. The building is 108 metre long, 120 metre wide and 24 metre high. Buckingham Palace is a working building and the centre of Britain’s constitutional monarchy. The palace is also the location for royal ceremonies and state visits, which are organised by the Royal Household.
Buckingham Palace is worth a visit because of the brilliant gardens and the Changing of the Guard. The Changing of the Guard is a ceremony when new guards come and the other guards finish their shift. The Changing of the Guard takes place in front of the palace at 11:30 am and lasts 45 minutes.
In 1703 Buckingham Palace was built as a townhouse for the Duke of Buckingham. In 1762 King George III bought it as a private residence. In the end Buckingham Palace consisted of three wings. It became the official royal palace when Victoria became Queen. The work was completed just before the First World War began. Queen Victoria's statue can be seen in front of the palace.
Buckingham Palace is in the district “City of Westminster”. So it is on the northern side of the Thames. You can get there by Underground. Then you have to walk a short way near a park and then you will arrive at the golden gates of Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace will be open next year from 1st August until 28th September 2010. Visitors are allowed to see the 19 State Rooms for 21/2 hours. Adults have to pay £15.50 and teens £8.75.
You see, Buckingham Palace is a great sight and we look forward to visiting it at the end of October.

Julia L. and Annegret R.

Comment on the Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is a brilliant sight. Unfortunately, we didn't visit the gardens and the rooms, but from outside it looks nice. We looked forward to seeing the Royal Standard on the rooftop. But the Queen was not in London. The best of all was that we experienced the Changing of the Guard. It was great to get know how it works. The guards looked cool and a little bit funny. The band and the whole ceremony impressed us particularly. If you want to have a good view, you have to come early. It's better to go there when it's sunny because you see everything, the people and it is more impressing.

It's a MUST to visit Buckingham Palace!!!